Speed Reading (English lang.)

Pradžia » Kursai » Asmeninis tobulėjimas » Speed Reading (English lang.)

Tipas: Vidiniai mokymai
Baigimo pažymėjimas: Nėra
Kalba: anglų, lietuvių
Trukmė: 3 d. (5 ak. val.)
Organizatorius: Success.lt (Asociacija „Intelektinio Kapitalo Ugdymas“)

Kaina: 79€



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Išsilavinimas – filosofija. Mokymų srityje dirba nuo 2006 metų. Įvairių audio knygų autorius. Dirba įvairiuose švietimo projektuose. Veda vidinius mokymus organizacijose. Lietuvos karjeros specialistų asociacijos vienas įkūrėjų ir ilgametis valdybos narys.

The speed reading system is a quality and innovative way of absorbing information that breaks traditional reading stereotypes. It's time to forget about reading from left to right. Learn to read anew. Many of us read as small children do—either word by word or literally. As adults, our reading skills hardly improve. Each of us can enhance our reading skills and read many times faster than we are accustomed to. There's no magic involved; you just need to learn the necessary techniques, practice them, and reading an average-sized book in an hour can become a routine task.

Advantages of Speed Reading:

You will save at least 2-4 times the time spent on reading.
Improve your visual memory by 20 percent.
Reduce eye fatigue during reading.
Enhance analytical comprehension of information.
Read from 1000 to 3000 words per minute. For comparison, the average starting speed for a course participant ranges from 200 to 300 words per minute.
Work more efficiently and productively by saving time and selecting essential text information.
Gain a better understanding of texts and their essence.
Quickly review large volumes of information and remember them.
Learn how to set your reading speed based on the nature of the text.
Discover how to track your progress and continuously improve your speed reading skills.

What You Will Learn During the Course:

Enhance reading productivity, including both reading speed and comprehension.

Increase peripheral vision width.

Eliminate subvocalization and repetition disturbances. Repetition, whether through lip movements or mental repetition, makes reading speed dependent on speaking speed. Since reading can be much faster than speaking, removing repetition greatly increases reading speed.

Differentiated reading. Most people do not adjust their reading speed to the text but read everything, whether it's a scientific article, a novel, or sports news, at the same pace. However, reading speed should be regulated according to the complexity of the text.

Learn what a universal reading system is.

Get acquainted with eye hygiene for speed reading.

Overcome one of the main reading mistakes: rereading. Some readers go back to certain words even though they've already read that place one or more times. This happens when you don't focus on the subject, and your thoughts have to delve into the text repeatedly. You will learn to focus and trust that you can read the text just once without worsening your comprehension.

In just three sessions and a few weeks of intensive self-study with homework, you can increase your reading productivity by at least 2-4 times. With continued systematic work with the perfected speed reading system over 3-4 months, you can easily further increase your reading productivity.

The training is conducted by Aivaras Pranarauskas, and the group size is up to 15 people. The price includes teaching materials and the e-version of our book "Pažintis su greituoju skaitymu" (Getting to Know Speed Reading). The training is open to all interested.

All seminar participants receive the following FOR FREE:

PDF book "Pažintis su greituoju skaitymu" (Getting to Know Speed Reading)
Video material on exercises to strengthen vision
Audiobook "Geniali atmintis" in MP3 format
PDF book "Greitasis skaitymas ir save keičiančios smegenys"

Price 79 EUR per hour for group up to 15 people. Price might vary depending on hours, group size and travel expenses.

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